TM TDW 2024 Spring Catalog Flipbook - Flipbook - Page 111
Drying &
Storage Racks
Provides convenient, sanitary
drying for food service items.
Shelving sold
Dome Drying & Storage Cradle, 23½"W x 161⁄3"D x 33⁄8"H,
Holds (10) Meal Delivery Domes
Angled Base Drying & Storage Cradle,
235⁄16"W x 103⁄8"D x 65⁄16"H, Holds (8) Meal Delivery Bases
Vertical Tray Drying & Storage Cradle,
23½"W x 101⁄4"D x 33⁄4"H, Holds (7) Trays
Camshelving® Premium Series
Mobile Dome Drying & Storage Rack
Provides sanitary drying and safe handling while o昀昀ering unmatched
versatility. This 昀氀exible solution can be customized to hold domes, bases
and trays in a single, compact footprint, streamlining product handling
and maximizing space. Removable cradles are high-temperature
dishwasher safe. Lifetime warranty against rust and corrosion on posts
and traverses. Speckled Gray.
Holds (100) Domes,
36"W x 24"D x 75"H
Sanitary drying &
safe handling | 111